What My Friends Think – The Dog(fish Head) Days of Summer

When I decided to focus solely on DFH over the month of August (point of disclosure, it’s now going to spill into a couple of days of September), part of my initial plan was to get some of my fellow bloggers involved.  I wanted to share some insights on Delaware’s #1 brewery from people whose blogs I read on a regular basis and whose opinions I valued.  I thought it would be a great to mix outside opinions with my homer attitudes.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.  Except of course for Oliver Gray at Literature and Libation who, through an email conversation we shared, was the only one who knew my plans before hand and jumped on the chance to contribute.  I thank him for that.

For the rest, well let’s just say that I know the value of people’s time, and I didn’t feel like being overly greedy in requests to participate in this.  But then I realized that I didn’t have too as they’d already done all the work for me.  A quick skim of blogs I follow revealed a wealth of previously written DFH reviews that span the gamete of the brewery’s catalog.  All that was left for me to do was to pull them together into one post.

If I had thought of this sooner, I would have done the smart thing.  I would have include links in each of my reviews to other reviews of the same beer.  This would have stretched it out over the full month.  But as usual, the smart idea always comes late to me (if it ever comes at all).  So with that, here is a run down of some of the excellent blogs that I read along with links to some of their DFH reviews.  Now I don’t expect you to go down and immediately read everyone.  But I suggest you bookmark this post, and over the course of the next couple of weeks or so pick a blog or a beer and check them out.  There’s some great stuff here.  So with that….

As I said above, Oliver over a Literature and Libation was quick to jump on the chance to do a guest post for my Dogfish Days of Summer series.   You can check out two more pieces of beer fiction at this blog, one for Sixty-One and another for Noble Rot.  You can also check out one of my favorite reviews of his (ok, maybe I’m biased because he gives me a shout out) for My Antonia.

You have to be a certain type of person to love Scott’s “special” take on the craft beer world and BBQ over at Beerbecue.  Luckily, I’m just that certain type of person.  First, Beerbecue daycare takes a turn to peaches of all kinds, including DFH’s Festina Peach.  Next he turns his eye towards Noble Rot and rebuilds a teddy bear.  Then it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving in the BBC house without Bitches Brew.  Scott doesn’t suffer from gluten intolerance, hell he doesn’t even understand it.  But he still reviews Tweason’ Ale. And finally, you can find out what he thinks about DFH’s Punkin ale here.

If you’re not following the great collaborative blog about beer and whiskey that is It’s Just the Booze Dancing, well then you must not want to learn anything about beer and whiskey.  First, G-LO takes a look a Sixty-One, Festina Peach and Punkin Ale.  Then Limpd gets into the act with a review of Midas Touch.

Stouts and Stilletoes is an great blog written from a woman’s perspective by three ladies who really enjoy (and know) their craft beer.  Check out Heffenista’s review of DFH’s Black and Blue.

Christopher over at the awesome blog I Think About Beer (especially if you’re into Belgian Beers) takes a look at DFH Aprihop, the DFH/SN collaboration Rhizing BInes, and finally  Etusca Bronze.

Ed’s blog Fill It or Spill It has an easy straight forward concept, either he wants more of the beer he’s reviewing, or he doesn’t.  Check out whether he filled or spilled DFH beers Fort, Old School 2011, Old School 2010, Punkin’ Ale, Pangaea, and finally his thoughts on his visit to the source – Dogfish Head Brewpub.

The local boys over at Brewski Boxscore are certainly no strangers to DFH beers!  Check out their thoughts on Burton Baton, Sixty-One, Rhizing Bines, World Wide Stout, Chicory Stout, Olde School, Birra Etruscia, 75 Minute IPA, Black and Blue, Red and White, Namaste, LIfe and Limb #2, Faithfull Ale, Raison D’Etre, 60 Minute, Pangaea, Ta Henket, 120 Minute, Noble Rot, Squall IPA, Theobroma, Positive Contact, Hellhound on my Ale, and Immort ale.

Then there’s displaced English man DING, who’s trying to find his way in the out-of-control freight train that is the American craft beer scene.  You can read his thoughts on Birra Etrusce Bronze, 75-Minute IPA, Positive Contact, Urkontinent, Tweason’ale, Noble Rot, Ta Henket, Faithful Ale, Life and Limb 2, and Hellhound on my Ale.

Mark is always taking a very critical and in-depth look at beer over at the Kaedrin Beer Blog and he’s reviewed quite a few of DFH beers over the past couple of years.  Check out his excellent reviews on Olde School Barleywine, 120 Minute IPA, 75 Minute IPA, World Wide Stout, Squall IPA, Rasion D-Etre, Indian Brown Ale, and Saison du Buff.

One writer that I’ve recently started to follow is Jana over at Head Over Beers.  She writes great posts on food and beer, including this recent review on Rhizing Bines.

Bryan, the mind behind the Six-Pack project and the blog This is Why I’m Drunk has some awesome insights into DFH beers.  First he takes a look at 2010’s World Wide Stout, Next he tries to do 120 Minute IPA (2011) justice in 120 words and  finally, he packs up the car to go to the source itself.  Read his thought’s on his beergrimage to DFH brewpub where he decides to take on the entire draft list.

Check out The AleMonger blog which always has an interesting tone and perspective.  You can read his review on Sixty-One  where he makes a bold prediction on Sam Calgione’s next business venture.

Gary of at Lyrics, Libations and Life seems to have taken a little break for his summer vacation (lucky teachers) but there’s still plenty of great stuff to read over there, including reviews of Birra Etrusce Bronze, Saison du Buff, Noble Rot, 120 Minute IPA, Chicory Stout, Faithfull Ale, Punkin, Midas Touch, Hellhound on my Ale, and, Red and White.

Ryan Mould writes the awesome Mould’s Beer Blog (no fancy name needed) where he’s looked at several DFH beers.  Check out his reviews on Birra Etusce Bronze, Chicory Stout, and  Positive Contact.

Finally, I’m going to finish up with two sites that do talk about beer, but that’s not their only focus,

First I suggest you check out Gabe over at Beer and a Movie.  He pairs up great beer with a film and then gives you the run down on both.  You can check out his review of Noble Rot and Shawn of the Dead, then Bitches Brew and The Cotton Club, and finally 60 Minute and Ip Man.

Next I suggest you head on over to Movies, Cigars and a Brew with local guys Keith and Andrew.  You can check out their podcast on Anna Karenina, Les Miserables, Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5, Liga Privada Feral Flying Pig Cigar and (of course) Dogfish Head’s Positive Contact.  Then the guys share their thoughts on the movie Arbitrage,  El Rey del Mundo robusto Larga cigars and Raison D’Etre.

Well that should keep you busy for awhile.  I’d like give a shout out to all the blogs mentioned and thank them for their time in looking at the beers from Dogfish Head.  I look forward to reading more reviews in the future.
