Brew Review – Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot

The Idiot.

Keeping with my current run of reviewing beers I drink a lot, I’m turning my attention to Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot.  I was first exposed to Blithering Idiot…well, to be honest I don’t know when.  What I do know is that on a trip to Atlantic City, Tracey and I stopped at a beer bar called Fire Waters which is in the mall underneath the Tropicana Casino and Hotel.  This is a great beer bar having about 25 taps with a pretty awesome selection.  That night they had Blithering Idiot on draft and after a couple of beers I ordered one.  Interestingly, because of the 11.1% ABV I thought I would get a small glass.  But instead, I got a full 16oz sleeve for 5$.  I was floored, and enjoyed two that night.  Needless to say, that night was a  little fuzzy from that point on.  Let’s taste:

THEM: Blithering Idiot is an English style barley wine with an ABV of 11.1%

ME:  Blithering Idiot pours with a light head which quickly dissipates into either a thin ring around the glass, or nothing. The color starts as a light copper in the bottom of my glass which moves up to a deep ruby red.  The nose is very light, and free of hops.  The first sip bring malt sweetness with hits of plums or maybe raisins in the front that moves to a heavy, syrupy (think maple syrup without the maple) body in the middle.  The ending has just enough bitterness to add some balance, but not enough to make the ending bitter.  The ending is crisp with a slight touch of spice that gives way to a malty, sticky after taste.

I’ll admit, this beer isn’t for everyone.  I put it in the same category of Victory’s Old Horizontal.  You’re either going to hate it, or drink the crap out of it depending on something lodged deep in your genetic make up.  Only you can decide which person you are.  All I will say is after a four pack of these puppies, Blithering Idiot can describe more than just the beer.

Time for another beer.