The Local Tap – Belgian Week at Two Stones Pub

“The Board” – Day 5, Belgian Beer Week

While Wilmington Beer Week was in full swing, Newark DE wasn’t exactly lacking in beer happenings itself.  The guys over at Two Stones Pub had (they say by accident) also declared that week their “Belgian Beer Week”, twenty-four taps, all Belgian or American Belgian style, all week long.

The week started with what could pretty much be described as a Brewery Ommegang tap take over.  Co-owner Ben told me the previous week that Ommegang had really helped them out a lot as far as beers were concerned, and from what I saw as I perused the draft menu,  I could not have agreed more.

Through out the week such notables as Liefman’s, Timmerman’s, North Coast, DFH, Flying Dog, Allagash,  and Lefevbre went up on the chalkboard.  As kegs of Ommegang were killed they were replace by breweries such as 21st Amendment and Goose Island.

From Top Left (L,R,B) Ommegang BPA, Gnomegang, and Art of Darkness

However, as much as I enjoyed Ommegang and the rest of Belgian beers, I had one particular beer in my sights, a beer I love, one that you don’t normally see on tap around here.  So I kept an eye towards the Facebook page hoping to get a glimpse of it on an uploaded picture of their chalkboard or a mention of it in a status update.   I even asked Ben when he thought it would be on tap.  Then finally, on Friday, I found the following tweet on my phone at lunch time:

If one of the owners of your favorite local beer bar sends you a personal invite, it is totally rude not to accept.  So even though I’d just been in there the night before:

Two Stones Pub co-owner Ben, updating the board with Delirium Tremens
One of a few Deliriums I had that evening.

Thanks to the guys at Two Stones for once again tapping it up right.  Time for another beer….